Any club member wishing to play for the County Vice Patrons this year will need to notify the Club by 29th January 2025 and pay the £2.00 annual joining fee.
Payments should be made to the Club Treasurer in cash in an envelope in the Treasurer’s box or by bank transfer Barclays Bank, Account No. 00339601 sort code 20-27-91. Payments should state the name and that the payment is for the VP joining fee. Player’s details should be sent by email to John Hennock (as County Representative) at or by text message to 07792 862632. The required details are: first name, family name, telephone number(s) – home and mobile, email address, whether you have been a VP previously, and your preferred playing positions – 1 ,2, 3, or skip – giving two preferences.
If the required details and payment are not received by 29th January, the Club will not forward your details to the County and you will need to make a personal application to Sussex County Bowls Association to become a Vice Patron.
Many thanks
Gillie Hill,
Secretary Eastbourne Bowling Club